Limited Edition Vinyl Recordings & Handmade Musical Artifacts from Tucson, AZ

Mr Husband - Wildflower LP PIAPTK - 358

PIAPTK and Mr Husbands' first pressed vinyl collab after a fun string of sold out Lathe cut 10"s! And this is yet another exceptional slice of well written indie rock dreaminess!

Available on White Vinyl (150 copies), Purple Wildflower Pinwheel Vinyl (100 copies) and Unique Hand painted Test Pressings (20 copies).

Please do us a favor and add this album (and any other Mr Husband albums you feel like) to your "saved" or "liked" or "Followed" or "whateverthefuck" thing they have on your favorite streaming service. That kind of stuff really helps out the band get into the algorithm.

From Kenny (Mr Husband)
WILDFLOWER was sort of an accidental record. We never said “Ok boys we’ve got the songs now let’s go to the studio”. It came together song by song and surprised us. For years I had refused to set up a studio in my garage because it was such a bad fit for recording. There is no insulation so it’s usually freezing or sweltering (and you can’t record with electric heaters or air conditioners running or the noise will be there on the record). Also, the roof is just a sheet of tin so if there is any outside noise like rain or planes or if a squirrel decides to run across the roof it can easily ruin a good take. The roof also leaks which is awesome for vintage audio equipment. I could go on. But with the arrival of my wonderful daughter in 2021 I could no longer find enough time to record inside my house without disturbing her sleep. It was either the garage or no home recording at all which I’ve come to realize just does not work for me. So I finally gave in and lugged my equipment across the yard and set up a little corner studio in the garage to make some demos and test the space. WILDFLOWER is the result. Our drummer Chris Morris stuck with me during the most uncomfortable conditions to complete these tracks. One winter night we got started about 7pm after a long day of work at our day jobs. It got so cold that the kerosene heater couldn't compete at all and we could see our breath while tracking. We had to end the session because the cymbals started to sound terrible due to the extreme cold which is hilarious to me. I’ll always be grateful that I had a friend who cares enough about my songs to put up with that. Chris lost his dad to brain cancer as we were getting started on this project and he sort of used recording as a therapeutic space as he was grieving. That gave the sessions a higher sense of purpose and it steered us towards a wholesome process that I’m proud of. In the past I’ve gotten very obsessive when making records/art but this time around I let family life dictate the pace and didn’t let the process do me any harm. For that reason it is easily my favorite record that I’ve ever made. I really hope you enjoy it. Thanks for taking a minute to read about it and thanks for listening.

Pressing Information

Ltd ed of 250
150 on White Vinyl
100 on Wildflower Pinwheel
20 Unique Hand Painted Test Pressings