Limited Edition Vinyl Recordings & Handmade Musical Artifacts from Tucson, AZ

Floating Action - Cheey LP PIAPTK - 351

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The newest LAST Final Floating Action album is here! CHEEY!

And, continuing with our long running tradition of including some sort of small, flat, and stupid freebie swag item with each new Floating Action album, it was a no-brainer to include "Cheey Candy" with industrial product design art by my 13 year old daughter, Ryer.
Limited to 250 copies. On Translucent red and Patreon exclusive white with hidden Cheey vinyl..

WHILE YOU ARE AT IT: Add on the only two Floating Action LPs still in print: JInx Protecting (colored vinyl with Floating Action Incense and custom incense burner) and TING! (with Ting scented AIr Freshner)

Seth's Cheey Blurb

It feels like all songs are just rushing through space, kind of parallel to us. Who knows how many we’ve missed, failed to connect with. I feel like I’ve created enough albums in my life, I should probably stop. But then keep getting these darn ideas…so why not record them? Since the pandemic, I’ve been double-jobbin’ in, music & handyman for a vacation cabin rental place (Greybeard Rentals). No days off, ever - hard to find time to work on music.

I had been to this one small cabin to fix things a couple times, right in Black Mountain where I live. It had all these cool zones that struck me as cool places to sit and write - the cabin is on old stone stilts, and had a bamboo forest on a creek in the back.I was able to rent it with a discount from Greybeard, and had it for 2.5 days, in January, 2024.I packed up an extremely minimal batch of recording gear, and set it up in the cabin. Brought my espresso machine too of course.

This is the first Floating Action album where I’ve ever been totally alone, and able to focus 100% on what I was doing. Not much time either, 2.5 days, I entered this deep vigilant focused world, and just wrote and recorded like my life depended on it. I would go to sleep around 1am and get up at 7am, immediatetly keep working. It was cold (highs around freezing), I often wrote out by that creek, bundled up and freezing. I wrote and recorded so fast and focused, I got all of CHEEY made in those 2.5 days.

Relatively stripped down album, my self imposed rule for this one was, upright and electric bass on every song, at least two drumkits on every song, and no keys. (I put a little piano on ‘Stay Glued’ later).

No guests on this one, just me. (except for my daughter singing on the chorus of ‘Ants They Follow Fat’). I mixed it as I recorded, then Kyle McEvoy mastered it…nothing was ever analyzed or thought about..

It’s my favorite Floating Action I’ve ever done!

Pressing Information

Limited Edition
250 Copies on Colored Vinyl